Dear patient,

Welcome to my rheumatology practice. Before making an appointment, please notice you will be asked to follow the general rules against COVID still ongoing:

  • If  you or a family member presents symtoms related to a possible COVID infection (fever, cough, flue symptoms,  loss of  smell or loss  of taste) or in case of recent contact with a positive case your are asked to cancel inmediately your appointment.

Making an appointment :

If you are a new patient coming for the first time, do not forget: 

  • Your medication list
  • Eventually a referring letter of your physician, specialist doctor
  • Your ID to create the therapeutic link for the Global Medical File 

Book your appointement via the online agenda.  You will receive a confirmation mail 24hours before the consultation. To reschedule or cancel an appointment, click on the online agenda link. Appointments which are not cancelled or reschedulled, at least 24 hours before the agreed time, will be charged with a fee. (Belgian deontologic code article 77).


Check first the online agenda. If all schedules are booked, please do not hesitate to contact your family doctor or specialist. There are specific schedules exclusivelly reserved for urgent and high priority cases.

In case of emergency: go to the nearest hospital or consult the on-call service of your region.

Vital emergencies number: 112

Thank you for your collaboration.