Dr. Maria Jose Fernandez-Lopez

Dr. Maria Jose Fernandez-Lopez

Jozef Mertensstraat 36
1702 DIlbeek
Tel: 02/4115690

Dr MJ Fernandez-Lopez has a master degree in Medicine at the University of Cantabria, Spain and she received her speciallity in Rheumatology in 2002. She is subspecialised in muskuloskeletal ultrasound with an EULAR (European Ligue against Rheumatism) with a Teacher recognition. She teaches ultrasound for rheumatologist in trainings organized by the Belgian Society of Rheumatology. She attends yearly international sessions and moderates congress in this field.

She performs ultrasound with diagnostic and therapeutic purpose (ultrasound guided injections) in her daily practice.

Dr. Fernandez participates to multidisciplinary teams in collaboration with other specialities devoted to inflammatory and systemic diseases (ophtalmology, pneumology, dermatology, gastro-entrology) in different networks.

She works additionally  in the Rheumatology Service at Onze-Lieve-Vrouw, Campus Aalst.

She practices in the private Medicis Medical Centre,  (Woluwe St Pierre) and speaks fluently four languages : Spanish, French, Dutch and English

Statut: non conventionnated